J_me's Articles In Personal Relationships
April 22, 2004 by J_me
We have all done things which we are not proud of. I'm the first to admit that. Last weekend was Adams birthday. He was having a party and Cherrie and I were already to go. I had decided that yeah I wanted to drink, I don't drink very much, well I should say often because when I do I drink alot. As soon as we got to the party I started drinking, nothing to strong just lollie water as some call it. Before to long I had had six drinks, and was feeling pretty good. Cherrie and I had to leave t...
May 5, 2004 by J_me
Why is it at times men so hard to understand? I have noticed lately that although I have been around males my whole life I still don't know how they think. I know that sometimes men will act tough around there friends and then are all sweet when your alone, but what does it mean when: One day he is nice to you, saying that "your such a sweet person", and not having a bad word to say about you too having something sarcastic to say over everything you do or say... how does that work? Blo...
May 17, 2004 by J_me
Oh my god!! Saturday night Jesse was having a few drinks and was talking to everyone at the table, when he turned around to me and said to cover my ears, I had no idea what he was going on about, but he said something which his brother had said to him that was not very pleasent. Now why would he have asked me to cover my ears? Couild it be that he was trying to have a go at me for something? Or could be that he doesn't want me to think anything bad of him because it wasn't very nice to say? I...
May 17, 2004 by J_me
Yesterday was Jacks birthday, he turned 25. We had a big family dinner at Becs and his place. It was a good night. We spent most of it paying each other out, as we normally do and it was really funny. the only ones missing were Mick and Debbie oh and of course Emily there little new addition to their little family. After having dinner, I woundered on over to see Betty and Adam, and of course Jesse! Everthing was cool when I got there but I don't know I think that maybe I made Jesse feel ab...